About PCJ

Java library for parallel computing in PGAS (Partitioned Global Address Space) paradigm.

PCJ is Java library for parallel computing in Java. It is based on the PGAS (Partitioned Global Address Space) paradigm. It allows for easy implementation in Java of any parallel algorithm. PCJ application can be run on laptop, workstation, cluster and HPC system including large supercomputers. It has been demonstrated that PCJ applications scale up to 200 000 cores.

Recently we have run PCJ application on the coud (AWS EC2) using both x86 and arm processors. Therefore you can run PCJ on most popular architectures indluding Intel KNL, Power, ARM and of course x86.

Current version of the librarry is 5.3.3. Compare to 5.2 and 5.1 it has improved performance due to use of shifted tree communication. New methos has been added: PCJ.scatter(), PCJ.splitGroup(). New collective communication methods are avaliable: PCJ.collect(), PCJ.asyncCollect(),

For more changes see: https://github.com/hpdcj/PCJ/releases/tag/v5.3.3

Using PCJ library

You can use PCJ Library by adding jar file to your project.

PCJ Library is also available on Maven Central Repository. For maven project, just add this dependency to your pom.xml file.


If you are using gradle, add those lines to your build.gradle file:

implementation 'pl.edu.icm.pcj:pcj:5.3.3'
annotationProcessor 'pl.edu.icm.pcj:pcj:5.3.3'

Building project

If you wish to compile project by your own, use these instructions:

  • to package the jar: ./gradlew assemble or gradlew.bat assemble

  • to create javadoc: ./gradlew javadoc or gradlew.bat javadoc

Importing the project in eclipse

Execute ./gradlew eclipse, start eclipse, and use File -> Import : Existing Projects into Workspace. See http://gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/eclipse_plugin.html for more information.


Last updated